Low Fat Diet With Caloric Restriction Prevents Brain Aging

New research in mice reveals that a low-fat diet combined with calorie restriction prevents aging-associated microglia-driven inflammation in the brain. What can a low-fat diet and calorie restriction do for the aging brain? New research in mice reveals that a low-fat diet combined with calorie restriction prevents aging-associated microglia-driven inflammation in the brain.  Combined with … Read more

Cycling prevents muscles and the immune system from aging

The anti-aging findings of the study challenge assumptions that frailty automatically comes with age. Cycling can hold back the effects of ageing and rejuvenate the immune system, a study has found. Scientists carried out tests on 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79 and compared them with healthy adults from a wide age group who … Read more

Researchers Say You May Age Slower By Restricting Food Intake

Researchers have found that when people severely cut calories, they can slow their metabolism and possibly the aging process Research has shown that sharp reductions in the amount of food consumed can help fish, rats and monkeys live longer. But there have been very few studies in humans. Now, some researchers have found that when … Read more

A new, low-cost, noninvasive anti-aging treatment: facial yoga.

Yoga face-toning might compete with fillers and facelifts By Ronnie Cohen(Reuters Health) – – “Now there is some evidence that facial exercises may improve facial appearance and reduce some visible signs of aging,” Alam said. “Assuming the findings are confirmed in a larger study, individuals now have a low-cost, non-toxic way for looking younger or … Read more

Is an Anti-Aging Pill on the Horizon?

Is an Anti-Aging Pill on the Horizon? Anti-aging products from skin creams to chemical peels are part of a $250 billion industry, but scientists have yet to discover a longevity elixir that stands up to medical scrutiny. A group of researchers believe they’re getting closer, however, thanks to a compound called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or … Read more